Check out our brother Orlando’s new book, “A Short Journey of Love”. You can order a paperback copy here, or you can download a Free Copy Here.
There is a “comment” section at the bottom of this page so anyone can post and report what the Lord is doing in our midst.
It is difficult to document all the ways in which we are growing. Every time we are together the Lord encourages us or shows us something new.
It doesn’t matter if it’s in the context of a large gathering for worship, if two sisters have lunch together, or if four brothers play a game of tennis together – we are constantly sharing our lives and speaking the truth to one another in love.
Below is an attempt to try to record at least a snapshot of how the Lord has been growing us:
December 18: During a racketball game, a couple of brothers discussed how we need to record on this website how the Lord is growing us and all the new things he is showing the group!
After racketball, two other brothers spontaneously contacted us to see if we had lunch plans. Four brothers wound up together for lunch discussing our lives and the topic of how all husbands should love thier wives and nurture their marriages at all times.
Later that night, the entire group gathered together at a family’s house (noted on the calendar). The house was packed! We experienced a very rich time of worshiping the Lord in song. Next, an older brother taught us out of 1 Peter. Many fabulous points were shared such as who we are as priests in Christ, the temple that we are, and God redeeming us (as with the picture of Gomer and Hosea).
This spawned much conversation about what are the true sacrifices we are to be making unto God. “The sacrifice of a broken and contrite heart” was a high point.
Dec. 23:
Men’s meeting – good converstation about believing doctrines that are common, but not checked with scripture. Plenty of prayer for one another and joining with one another in carrying various burdens.
Dec. 26:
Worship and prayer at family gathering. Teaching and discussion concerning not identifying with “the flesh”, but realizing that who we are in Christ is pleasing to God.
Dec. 31
Bonfire, worship time, ping pong, prayer, bible study, games and food.
Jan 3
Men’s meeting discussion over the proper role of gifts. Romans 12 study over “offices” and “gifts” being equated. Also how sin can quench the Spirit and thus our functioning in our gifts.
Jan 9
Worship meeting, prayer and discussion over holiness, the need to do work in our our hearts because “few are those that find the way that leads to life”, and being like John – “a disciple whom Jesus loves”.